Came across this amazing Vogue shoot of Sienna Miller by Ryan McGinley here.
“67% of consumers more likely to purchase from a mobile friendly website than they are from a website not optimised for devices other than desktop” Great article giving an overview of deciding to go with responsive design or developing a native mobile app.
Strong believer that writing is also a design skill – how interface copywriting and design fit together
These rare historic images are fascinating and haunting
GFDA have new wallpapers! Hurrah!
This is an excellent checklist to encourage those in digital leadership roles to fully explore the digital world.
Serialising novels to encourage busy people to read more. Interesting.
It’s been around for a while, but I adore this speech by the fantastic Ellen Page – she’s spot on.
As a kid I made a She-Ra outfit out of paper and stuck it to myself with sellotape, so this impresses me greatly.
Would I like a cat in my pocket? Yes please.