This beautiful sign-of-the-times Valentines is by Emily Macdowell, you can buy one here.
Skip to main contentThis beautiful sign-of-the-times Valentines is by Emily Macdowell, you can buy one here.
This is my contribution to Advice to Sink in Slowly, an ongoing series of posters designed by graduates for the purpose of passing on advice and inspiration to first year students.
My advice is ‘If you don’t create it, it doesn’t exist’. When I was a student I often felt demotivated by comparing myself to other students/designers/agencies and lacked confidence in my work, and sometimes felt inhibited by this. Whereas the reality is that students are probably creatively at their free-est. I’d like to encourage them to be free, and unafraid and to have confidence in their ability; every creative has something totally unique to offer.
And because it’s nice to be nice you can download a free iPhone wallpaper of the print here.