I got the BEST email last night – I have officially been offered a place in Auld Reekie Roller Girls Fresh Meat programme. Fresh Meat is the extensive training programme that all new skaters need to undergo, it lasts 16 weeks and at the end I’ll be assessed on a whole range of skating techniques, hits and falls. I am actually THRILLED, so naturally celebrated by skating up and down hall and playing with fonts.

Another of my latest obsessions, is roller derby. If you live in/around Edinburgh, I highly recommend you get yourself along to the next bout which is on 19 January at Meadowbank. A great fun, fast paced full contact sport, I love how Scotland on Sunday describe it, it’s pretty apt:
It’s a hug disguised as a rib-splintering thump
I first heard about Roller Derby a few years back, when I noticed, via facebook, that a couple of my old flatmates were skating, Kat [Pixel Junkie] used to skate with ARRG [Auld Reekie Roller Girls] and Jen [Hitty Longstockings] skates with SWAT [South West Angels of Terror]. Then, back in July whilst off work with a dislocated knee, I watched Whip It. Maybe it was the fact that I could barely walk and was navigating the house using a desk chair as a kind of zimmer, but I totally got the urge that I wanted to skate. Read More